Carry Each Other.
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Coming soon: COMMUNITY link for volunteers.
More about what kind of counseling profits go to , coming soon. Follow the founder, Kelli Forsythe, for unique detail. |
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Whatever you decide, be soul-conscious. Make purchases that have positive social impact AND soul impact. Purchase items that carry a message about what you value most in life. Join us! And become a S.O.U.L.: a Supporter of Unfettered Love! Buy from the SOULbagTM collection to invest in a life-changing mission to Carry Each Other. Proceeds from SOULbag purchases go to abuse-specific counseling and groups for those seeking true love and healthy, healing relationships locally, nationally, and internationally. |
Feel free to share and use our logo as your FB or Twitter profile picture or as a link from your site! Click to get URL address: 3811147_orig.jpg |
<< ORIGINAL/CLASSIC LOGOGo to our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign (online fundraising) that we did in October 2013 to view the new logo!