S.O.U.L. MISSION:s.o.u.l. exists to inspire unfettered love and intimacy in relationships by increasing awareness and prevention of violence against the human spirit, and providing proven options to aid in healing from the damage through the use of local, global and like-minded partnerships, products, and resources.
Thesoulbag™ MISSION:To provide a modern collection of bags that "carry" in every good sense of the word. Uniquely designed by an Italian woman, handmade of repurposed mosquito netting layered with beautiful fabrics by Cambodian artisans, and embroidered with S.O.U.L., these bags change the way we carry! Our creative and collaborative multi-causal business approach aims to maximize the good that can be done with these bags. That means that the money for each bag is distributed to causes at each step from creation to inception. One bag intervenes on poverty, abuse, exploitation, and corrupt power: one bag sustains leaders who make power rooted in love a lifestyle. Truly, with Thesoulbag™ we can carry many great things, most importantly we can:
Carry each other. |
"You see, if people can't see the damage, it is much easier for them to believe it doesn't exist!"
Too often, we cannot "see" the biggest threat to living lives full of love. Therefore, we continue to miss out on joy that is an internal satisfaction and a safe feeling of the soul, no matter what the circumstance may be. This threat is called violence against the human spirit: unlike physical violence, the wounds from it cannot be seen. The damage of this violence we are talking about works like a slow killing venom. When a person is "bitten" by this violence it works to destroy intimacy in relationships and leads to illnesses, that in their worst form result in death of the spirit and/or the body. This violence, which can come from ourselves and others, is so devastating that of all the other forms of abuse, it takes the longest to heal from. >> click to keep reading